Waste Warrior Workshop: It's a wrap! Baramoeda educated and trained 60 youth aged 14-24 from orphanages, high school students, university students, community, and young workers about Organic Waste Management using Black Soldier Fly and handed out free BSF kits to implement in their communities.
We will do weekly follow up to see their progress in implementing Black Soldier Fly in their respective communities.
Huge thank you to our magnificent speakers:
- Dr. Ferry Sutrisna W. (Climate Leader)
- Ramadhani Eka Putra, Ph.D (SITH ITB lecturer)
- Dr. Ichsan (Consultant at Biomagg)
Thank you Eco Learning Camp for supporting our event that is free entry, free certificate, free lunch, and free BSF kit to implement organic waste management.
Thank you PT Ultrajaya and CAMPINA ICE CREAM INDUSTRY, PT for providing our participants' and speakers' merchandises.
Thank you Lets Go Gelato Indonesia and Laloka Villas for providing our grand prizes.
